The primary deficit, representing the excess of government spending excluding interest payments over tax receipts, is on track to hit a belt-popping 7.7% this year& a level that prompted the International Monetary Fund to say the United States needs to get its act together. 原始赤字,即政府开支(剔除利息支出)减去税收收入的余额,今年有望达到惊人的7.7%&这样的水平已促使国际货币基金组织(InternationalMonetaryFund)敦促美国采取更有效的行动。
The internal rate of return is the interest rate received for an investment consisting of payments and receipts that occur at regular intervals. 内部收益率是指支付和收入以固定时间间隔发生的一笔投资所获得的利率。